Welcome to Josie’s Corner

My intention is to build a grand neighborhood here! If you identify as transgender you have come to the right place.

Here I propose that you gradually develop a deepening sense of yourself. I’ve got a question today. What does it take to get a voice change?

You have nicely transitioned in changing your body shape and your hair style, but your voice remains distinctly lower than you would like and it just doesn’t sound feminine.

Now you’re interested in investing the time and energy it might take to get the result you want—which is to pass. Well, you have to be more than just slightly interested in doing the voice work. You have to want it, really want it. And you have to be willing to roll up your sleeves and go to work big time. Voice change, like any other change, is challenging and inspiring all at the same time.

Let’s start at the beginning! The vocal exercises we do enable you to create and maintain a beautiful natural voice.  Your voice has a unique quality all its own, so thanks for reading this far, inviting me into your life, and it is my great pleasure to be on this journey with you. If you are seeking a healthier voice or a voice that vitalizes your inner spirit-- all is well.

Welcome to my studio to see what we do in voice work. I’m a professional so I know that to get the most out of your voice it is very important to remember to do warm-ups and cool-downs. You have probably noticed that your voice comes out of the body you have so it’s no surprise that we begin first with warm-ups of your body! 

Relax and enjoy. Stand with feet about a foot apart, weight slightly forward, knees relaxed (not locked), knees approximate to the toes. 

1) Chest stretch - Interlock hands behind your back, raise slightly with a gentle pull. Feel the stretch across the chest.

2) Upper back stretch - Join hands in the front of the body, bend knees, bring arms up and stretch forward feeling the back rounding, and the stretch across the shoulders.

3) Trunk - Wrap left arm and hand gently around your waist on to the right, right arm on back in opposite direction. Body faces forward. Twist gently to the right while looking over right shoulder. Reverse everything or twist to the left.

I hope you try these stretches. In a future blog I’ll give you some vocal exercises to do.